One Can Certainly Understand How Carrying The Name Of The Son Of God Would Be A Special Experience --and For One Man Who Bares His Name- It Was a Miraculous Modern Miracle- Just A Few Days Ago!
Jesus Escobar- (pronounced Hay-zeus) was driving on Interstate 4 in Florida just outside Orlando when a truck lost control and flipped causing it's cargo the large highway post pole in the above picture to fall from a bridge above and crush his car. Miraculously, Jesus survived with minor injuries!
For more on this miraculous event from God go to:
Jesus Escobar- (pronounced Hay-zeus) was driving on Interstate 4 in Florida just outside Orlando when a truck lost control and flipped causing it's cargo the large highway post pole in the above picture to fall from a bridge above and crush his car. Miraculously, Jesus survived with minor injuries!
For more on this miraculous event from God go to: