Below is a classic picture of Charlie Chaplin to match the cloud formation.
This Amazing!!! Cloud formation appeared in Bolton CT, just a few days ago. Charlie Chaplin was well known to be one of the greatest Comedians of all time. However, he also starred in a movie where he played on =e of the greatest and wisest of sages. With the recent Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman Trial, a man recently blogged about how the craziness of the world is everywhere and the violence is not about color, but about a degradation of society. In his blog he posted a movie clip link of Charlie Chaplin's greatest spiritual speech of all of Hollywood's early history and certainly one of the best philosophical and spiritual speeches of all time. He blogged about this here: The cloud appeared just two days after his post.
Below is a classic picture of Charlie Chaplin to match the cloud formation.
Two horses were found in nailed in enclosures in Florida starving to death. They had been there for more than two months and survived on eating wood and their own manure. By a miracle they survived. This photo was taken a few days after the story broke. For more on the story go to:
and The horses are stable now--Updated info on this story can be found at: In the left wing of the Angel the face of
a man appears. This face is similar to quite a few adaptations of the looks of Judas Iscariot. In fact he looks a lot like the one in the recent "The Bible" mini series on the History Channel. The Angel Cloud appeared just a few days after an announcement that NBC will be airing a sequel to the mini series. The story can be found at: After a day of excessive summer heat and a late afternoon summer storm, this ice cream cone appeared in the sky Clear as a Friendly's Ice cream cone!
In June a rare baby deer was born at a zoo in NYC. Can you see the hued blue outline in the cloud to match this silhouetted baby deer photo. The photo was taken June 29,2013. The little doe was born in June, the story came out today July 8,2013. For more information go to:
Recently a new discovery of a Dinosaur was unearthed that roamed about during the time of Pangea, The Super Continent. the discovery was announced June 25, 2013. The cloud photo of Pangea occurred a week later. Look to the bottom left-lower corner of the cloud formations to find the matching Pangea blue spot in the cloud. For more information on the new Dinosaur discovery go to:
This dog face cloud photo was taken today July 5th 2013, You can see the face of a dog on the upper right side of the photograph. Later today, about 3 hours after the photo was taken a news story broke on Yahoo News about 130 Dogs that were rescued from a California Dog Hoarder that need to go to special homes. For more on the story go to:
The picture below is of one of the main dogs and matches the cloud above. |
JESUS MIRACLE CLOUD!! Is on the main page! To see more
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