This Biblical era tomb cave appeared in the sky just a few days ago. If you look at the cloud formation at the top of it you can see the same rolled rounded top as the rounded stone for this picture that protects the opening of the cave/tomb.
On October 24, an oil refinery fire occurred in the evening in Chicago, it was contained but still burning as of 10:00 PM. The next day in Connecticut, this oil refinery fire cloud appeared in the sky. For more information on this story go to:
This cloud formation shows an x-ray of the chest and lungs and was taken just a few days ago. It was announced today that a new form of lung cancer screening through a low dose CAT scan is now available. A CAT scan is often a much more detailed picture of the lungs than even an x-ray can offer. They believe this new screening could save many lives if implemented on a widespread basis. The giak is to advance early detection a great deal. For more on the story go to:
This cloud formation appeared at the End of The Big E, New England's great State Fair. The logo this year includes The Big E in the clouds! for more info go to:
Just last week a Planet outside our solar system was discovered. The Planet known as Keplar -7b is similar to Jupiter and marked by clouds. This cloud formation above was taken October 11th, 2013 one week later. You can see the clouds outside the circled Planet in the left center of the picture above, and what appears to be hues of lines within the perfect spherical circle above. Below is an excerpt from the Yahoo article which can be seen at
"Washington, Oct. 4 (ANI): Astronomers using data from NASA'sKepler and Spitzer space telescopes were able to create the first cloud map of a planet that is beyond our solar system, a Jupiter-like world known as Kepler-7b."The planet is marked by high clouds in the west and clear skies in the east. Below is a picture of Jupiter In 1995 the world was stunned with the photographs by the Hubble telescope. One such photograph was of the Pillars of creation in the Eagle Nebula, an area believed to be the birthing canal of stars in formation. In late September a Man was able to photograph the Pillars of Creation from Earth. Though not as up close as the NASA photo, it was a phenomena. This cloud formation shows the pillar on the left below which is the photo taken by Hubble in 1995 by NASA. The cloud was taken October 1, 2013, in its entirety shows a simple man standing behind the Pillar of creation, just as a simple man took the photo of the pillar. To see more on the story go to:
While the colors of his photo are different than NASA's photo you can see in the lower corner right that the Pillars are there in smaller less magnified detail. Go to to see newly posted photos of the Bible-Both the Old and New Testament The Stable of Jesus is uploaded now!,
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